26 April 2024 12:29
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Annual Registration Statement / Annual Report for the Year (Form 56-1 One Report) Year 2023
Annual Report Year 2020
Financial Statement Year 2023

The Company’s Dividend Payment Policy

The Company sets the policy of dividend payment to the shareholders in the ratio of not below 30% of net profit from separate financial statements after deduction of tax and all types of reserves prescribed by laws and Articles of Association of the Company. Such dividend payment may be changed subject to necessity and other appropriateness as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors. Annual dividend payment shall be approved by the Meeting of the Shareholders unless it is interim dividend payment. The Board of Directors may occasionally approve interim dividend payment when the Company deems that it is profitable to do so and shall report the said interim dividend payment to the Meeting of the Shareholders for acknowledgement in next meeting.

Subsidiaries’ Dividend Payment Policy

The dividend payment of the subsidiaries shall be subject to the approval consideration of each Subsidiary Board of Directors Meeting or the Shareholders Meeting (as the case may be) under requirement of concern on overall operations, liquidity, cash flow, financial position, investment plan of each subsidiary, as well as other factors as deemed appropriate by the Subsidiary Board of Directors Meeting or the Shareholders Meeting as deemed appropriate.
However, the subsidiary dividend payment (whether being located inside the country or abroad) shall be considered from net profit of separate financial statements after deduction with tax and legal reserves of that country. The appropriateness of the business conditions such as consideration from investment plan and business expansion plan of that subsidiary, etc. shall be considered in dividend payment.
Furthermore, for dividend payment of the subsidiary in accordance with corporate governance code, transparency, and accountability. The director who is appointed by the Company to hold the director office in that subsidiary has duty to report the Meeting of the Board of Directors when the subsidiary pays dividend.
Board Date X-Date Payment Date Dividend Type Dividend (Per Share) Unit Operation Period
14/11/2023 27/11/2023 14/12/2023 Cash Dividend 0.10 Baht 01/01/2023 - 30/09/2023
24/02/2023 03/05/2023 26/05/2023 Cash Dividend 0.25 Baht 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2022
11/11/2022 24/11/2022 09/12/2022 Cash Dividend 0.09 Baht 01/01/2022 - 30/09/2022
24/02/2022 06/05/2022 25/05/2022 Cash Dividend 0.18 Baht 01/01/2021 - 31/12/2021
11/11/2021 24/11/2021 09/12/2021 Cash Dividend 0.08 Baht 01/01/2021 - 30/09/2021
23/04/2021 30/04/2021 20/05/2021 Cash Dividend 0.18 Baht 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2020
12/11/2020 26/11/2020 09/12/2020 Cash Dividend 0.07 Baht 01/01/2020 - 30/09/2020
24/02/2020 30/04/2020 21/05/2020 Cash Dividend 0.14 Baht 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2019
13/11/2019 27/11/2019 12/12/2019 Cash Dividend 0.06 Baht 01/01/2019 - 30/09/2019
22/02/2019 26/04/2019 15/05/2019 Cash Dividend 0.14 Baht 01/01/2018 - 31/12/2018
22/02/2018 03/05/2018 24/05/2018 Cash Dividend 0.10 Baht 01/01/2017 - 31/12/2017