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Annual Registration Statement / Annual Report for the Year (Form 56-1 One Report) Year 2023
Annual Report Year 2020
Financial Statement Year 2023

The Group Company provides its services of oil tankers which support offshore exploration and petroleum production to customer groups of offshore exploration and crude oil excavation companies; whereas, services provided include floating storage and offloading units (FSO vessels), accommodation work barges (AWB) and anchor handling tug (AHTs).

Business of Floating Storage and Offloading Units (FSO Vessels)

The Group Company provides its services of transport and storage of crude oil by using vessels with characteristics of large tank of crude oil and tools for support of direct transfer of crude oil from offshore oil rigs; whereas, the Group Company shall be obliged to support and store crude oil of customers from oil rigs and to wait for transfer of oil to small vessels for transit to oil refineries.

Accommodation Work Barge (AWB)

The Group Company operates its accommodation work barges so that its crews shall explore and produce petroleum and inhabit therein during their performance of work on the oil rigs; whereas, AWB shall moor near the oil rigs of customers for facilitation to and from oil rig crews in terms of accommodation, supplies and nursing.

The Group Company owns crew boats or boats for carrying crews and goods that are used to transfer oil rig crews or goods to oil rigs in order to support exploration and production activities. The Group Company’s crew boat fleet consists of 13 vessels that are able to service customers in Thailand and overseas.

As of 1st November 2020, the Group Company owned 1 accommodation work barge (AWB), namely “Navathani”, with the crew loading capacity of 300 people, consisting of facilities such as galley, dining room, and seminar room.

Vessel Name Country of Vessel Registration Capacity (Pax)
Prima Marine Public Company Limited
Nava Thanee Thai 300
Truth Maritime Services Company Limited
TMS1 Thai 90
TMS2 Thai 90
TMS4 Thai 90
TMS5 Thai 90
TMS7 Thai 90
TMS8 Thai 90
TMS9 Thai 90
TMS10 Thai 90
TMS11 Thai 90
TMS12 Thai 80
TMS14 Thai 80
TMS 111 Thai 80

Anchor Handling Tugs (AHTs)

The Group Company has experience in the business of anchor handling tugs (“AHTs Vessel”) for offshore activities and operation such as keeping of anchor, tugging and transport of oil rig equipment and crews.

Prima Marine
